学术报告:Restriction families of projection
报告摘要:Projections of fractal sets is a fundamental problem in fractal geometry and geometric measure theory. We will introduce the restriction families of projections, and we show that Marstrand-Mattila type projection theorem still holds for some restricted directions. This talk is based on speak’s resent work.
专家简介:陈昌昊,男,New South Wales(悉尼)博士后,Oulu大学(芬兰)博士,本科硕士就读威廉希尔中文官方网站,期间研究内容有projections of fractal sets, Kakeya problem, metric Diophantine approximation, Fourier transform of measures, doubling measures, quasiconformal mappings, dynamical systems, etc.期间在Illinosis Journal of Mathematics、Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math.、Ark. Mat.等杂志发表SCI论文进二十篇。先后参加十余场国际会议,并多次作报告。