学术报告:Evolution of complete noncompact graphs by powers of curvature function
专家简介:李光汉,男,现为武汉大学数学与统计学院基础数学系教授,主要研究方向为微分几何,几何分析。其代表作有Translating solutions of mean curvature flow of noncompact submanifolds、Mean curvature flow of spacelike graphs等等
报告摘要:In this talk, we consider the evolution of locally uniformly convex graph defined on a convex open domain of Euclidean space by curvature flow, for which the normal speed is given by a power of a monotone, symmetric, homogeneous of degree one function F of the principal curvatures. Under the assumption that F is inverse concave and its dual function approaches zero on the boundary of positive cone, we prove that the complete smooth strictly convex solution exists and remains a graph until the maximal time of existence. For a class of special curvature functions, longtime existence of this flow can be obtained.