报告题目:Explicit construction of optimal locally recoverable codes
报告地点:腾讯会议(会议ID:103 799 871)
专家简介:金玲飞,复旦大学计算机科学技术学院副教授,博导。主要研究方向为编码与密码,包括量子纠错码,分布式存储中的容错技术,多方安全计算等。以一作/通信已在信息论旗舰期刊IEEE Trans. On Information Theory(CCF A类)上发表论文20篇。曾获国家自然科学基金面上基金,青年基金,上海市启明星,扬帆计划等项目资助。担任Frontiers of Computer Science(SCI,EI)青年编委。
摘要: A locally recoverable code is a code over a finite alphabet such that the value of any single coordinate of a codeword can be recovered from the values of a small subset of other coordinates. Such codes have recently attracted great attention as efficient solutions for distributed storage systems. It was shown by Guruswami et al. that the length n of a q-ary linear locally recoverable code with distance d > 5 is upper bounded by O(dq^3). In this talk, we present an explicit construction of q-ary locally recoverable codes of small distances.