报告名称:Synthesis and Optimization of Quantum Circuits
报告专家: 孙思维
报告地点:腾讯会议,ID:360 661 238
专家简介:孙思维,中国科学院信息工程研究所副研究员。主要研究兴趣为对称密码算法设计与分析自动化,基于量子计算的密码分析,以及密码算法的经典与量子的优化与安全实现。近些年在CRYPTO、ASIACRYPT、FSE、USENIX Security、DSN等密码学和信息安全会议发表论文30余篇,参与了973和国家重点研发计划等多个重要项目,国家重点研发计划课题负责人。设计并开发了⼀套基于混合整数规划的自动化密码分析软件框架,在多个国家相关部门的算法分析与设计任务中得到了重要应用。
报告摘要In this talk, I will introduce the basics of quantum computing via linear algebra from scratch and therefore no knowledge of quantum physics is required. I will describe how quantum transformations can be implemented with single-qubit and two-qubit quantum gates. Then, I will clarify important metrics in synthesis and optimization of quantum circuits and show interesting research topics of quantum circuits in the context of symmetric-key cryptography. Along the way, an overview of some recent results concerning quantum circuits and symmetric-key cryptography will be provided.